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We believe the Bible to be the inspired written word of God, and as such, it is the final authority for all our faith and practice.    

We believe that there is one unified God who eternally exists as three equal persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.       

We believe that all people have sinned and that the only means of being cleansed from sin is by repentance, faith in Jesus Christ who died and rose victoriously from the grave.       

We believe that salvation is offered to all people regardless of race or gender, and that at the rapture, Christ will return for this church. 

We believe in the work power and presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of every believer which enables us to live a holy and separated life.  

 We believe that equality and dignity of men and women are God-given values because all people are made in the image of God.

We believe in the unity of all people according to Galatians 3:28, and that in Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, male nor female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus.


We, the Board Members of Concord Fellowship of Churches International, having carefully considered what is central to us biblically and spiritually, have prayerfully and carefully written this statement explaining our values.  It is our intent to describe the basic attitudes, choices, and assumptions of our organization for all to see.  This statement answers the question, "to what are we devoted?"  It is an introduction to those who are new to Concord, those interested in knowing more about the organization, and a guide for those who will lead the organization in the future.

While each our members and member organizations are free to establish their own statement of faith, statements that are in opposition to the basic core values of this organization are not permitted. 

Our Core Values are: 

  • Scripture alone, which is our ultimate authority for faith and practice.
  • Biblical doctrine, believing it is vital for maturing faith; it is inherently practical for life, and that through it we come to see the Triune God of the Bible as God’s self revelation. 
  • Christ-centered preaching and teaching of the whole counsel of God's Word, both Old and New Testaments, which shows Jesus to be the glorious fulfillment of redemptive history.
  • Worship services that are Word-driven, Christ-centered, and Spirit-led, so that God will be glorified and honored and our joy may be truly found in God through Jesus Christ.
  • Church membership as a living commitment of the fellowship of believers in the local church, evidenced through faithful and consistent attendance, giving, prayer, loving service, and submission to biblical authority.  In a word, “commitment”.
  • Servant leaders who humbly and lovingly shepherd the flock of God through godly example, biblical teaching, sacrificial service, and compassionate care.
  • Church discipline, both formative by teaching and preaching, as well as corrective by confronting the unrepentant, as a way of showing our concern for Christ's holy reputation, our protection of His church, our love for one another, and our desire for restoration of the erring believer.
  • Intentional disciple making through growth in knowing biblical doctrine, pursuing holiness, expressing sacrificial love to one another, and experiencing joy in serving.
  • Evangelism that focuses on presenting both God's Law and the Gospel of redeeming grace, while fully trusting that only God can bring about the salvation of the lost by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone for God's glory alone.
  • An educated clergy committed to providing sound and reasoned doctrinal preaching and teaching.
  • Missions ministry to the local community and the world at large, recognizing that our biblical duty is to joyfully spread the Good News of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.